
Sleep apnea medical treatments

If your airway is blocked or only partially blocked, medical procedures can correct these problems. Some problems that can be corrected include enlarged tonsils or enlarged adenoids these can be fixed. If you have a small jaw, or only a small opening in the back of your throat, or if you have a broken nose, or a deviated septum, you can have, these conditions corrected leaving sleep apnea to be a thing of the past. Polyps and cysts can be removed, correcting the breathing problems without interrupting your lifestyle much. Recovery times from all of these surgeries are short, and will improve your ability to sleep well.

A tracheostomy is a procedure that will cut a hole in the neck, a very small hole, and will insert a tube so you can breath well. The value is closed during the day so you will breath normally but at night, opening the valve and opening the tube allows you to breath well, and sleep well taking the stress off your heart. This is not a procedure that is done all the time, it is one that is done if you are really sick, and if you can't have any other procedure done to aid you in you problems with sleep apnea.

Another correct method is the uvulo palato pharyngoplasty which is also short for UPPP. This is the flesh; the extra lining that is at the back of your throat. Having this removed is going to ease the sleep apnea conditions for some people. This is not the choice of surgery for all, as the extra flesh in the throat may not be the problem for you. Your family doctor will be the best to tell you if this surgery is something that you should be thinking about to correct your breathing airway problems.

Yet another corrective measure is the manibular myotomy wish is a conditional treatment for the jaw. By dividing the muscle surrounding the jaw, and then cutting the bone and inserting additional bone in that area, the jaw is then extended. This can pull the tongue forward a small amount, aiding in the treatment of severe sleep apnea for patient who are seeking a treatment for this condition. Again, not all people who are suffering with sleep apnea will require this type of corrective surgery.

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Author Darren Mallory

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